Friday, 24 May 2013

Inspiration & how it all started!

Lost Footprints is a platform that serves two purposes; a creative outlet in order to portray my own travel experiences through organic junctures of everyday life using the mediums of photography and video. Secondly it's a unique online resource in which other like-minded travellers are encouraged to contribute. The collective goal is simple; to inspire others to follow this lifestyle choice.

Taking small steps is the right way to initiate the process. It's a daunting prospect to leave the secure life behind and follow the life we dream of pursuing instead. Opposing the grain of conventionality and resisting the magnetic pull of the social castle isn't easy - our lives are mitigated by routine.

Get off the couch, switch off reality TV and participate in reality itself. Make that decision to change your life today and pursue your dreams

I'd had enough! Enough of the ever changing corporate mentality of scripted rule & regulation designed to make it almost impossible to complete a days work efficiently. I was totally discouraged with hierarchy that sat high up in the food chain of a company & demanded more, without the experience or expertise to actually know what the real world is actually like. "This is how it should be done & this is how we'd now like you to do it" as they frantically write procedures into a large, totally incognisant book of bullshit as I commonly referred to it. People who are so out of touch with reality that the only thing that matters to them is how much they can squeeze out of their workforce whilst abiding closely within the boundaries of the law, political correctness & health and safety. The main human traits of common sense and judgement had been removed from the decision making process a long time ago.

Now I don't want to portray that I'm someone who has a complete disregard or an utter contempt for rule and procedure, neither do I think that all companies adhere to this draconian mentality, but in my case, this was the dark reality of working for a powerful corporation. This was a company that I once felt proud working for; a company that six years prior to this, working towards targets & improving business was something in which I relished. However, the totalitarian system had ground me down, and I now sat with my boss as he read out the company manual and scrutinised every single procedural technicality possibly known to man, whilst informing me that there were "no grey areas". I don't know if it was just me, but these grey areas seemed as black as the nights sky.

I looked longingly out of the window of our hotel, where most meetings of this type were held and I feigned interest. A year prior I was in the same place, going through the same things, with the same targets, giving the same answers. The year before that, the same. And the year before that? That's right, you guessed it!

This year was no different; they wanted more. Just like Oliver Twist did back in his orphanage in London in 1834. But the contrast was that young Oliver had nothing. This company had it all. Billions of pounds in profit, a global brand and a reputation for being a massive power within it's field. But, like a lot of modern day corporate outfits, they were greedy and unrealistic. My boss continued to lecture me on the "values" and the "strategies" and what I could do to push forward. At one point, I imagined his voice to be that of Eric Cartman's. I chuckled to myself. One thing was certain that day as I stared, completely disinterested and impassively out of the large glass opening, I needed to get out. 

Things had changed with my employer. Wether it was me that had been the catalyst, or them, and their increased sense of unrealism that had spurred on my feelings. I just knew that right there and then, within the walls of that hotel, that something had to give. 

My boss finished talking to me. I nodded, and stared straight through his eyes and dreamt of being stood high in the mountains of Peru, gazing at the ancient ruins of the Inca's long lost civilisation of Machu Picchu. I envisioned nonchalantly sailing down the Amazon in a canoe, all the way to Brazil, where I'd jump out and lie on the beach in Salvador all day. Then suddenly it hit me. It hit me like a punch to the nose; a rousing right hook from a world championship boxer, straight between the eyes. I could indeed have all that if I wanted.

I stood up, smiled, and shook my boss's hand. By this time my look of desperation had morphed into a smile not too dissimilar to the Cheshire Cat, and the recipient looked on at me with a profound look of confusion.

"I'd like to leave the company" I scoffed, acting in a liberating and impromptu manner, flowing off the adrenalin that was fuelling me. I surreptitiously wished my manager all the best for the future, picked up my keys and I left. That was it! I had finally quit my 9-5 to go an pursue my round the world adventure!

My name is Chris Chalk. Born in a commuter town, 50km north of London way back in the fashionable 1980s. I consider myself a normal guy with a passion for travel and a thirst for adventure. This blog will be an outlet for me to share with you my journey through this amazing planet using photography, my travel experiences and hopefully a bit of humour as the medium. I want to inspire other people that they themselves, no matter of age, social status, colour or circumstance can indeed do what I plan to do. I don't possess countless qualifications, neither do I have rich parents, endless supplies of money or awards in creative writing. What i do have is passion and a view that our time on this planet is short and I strongly believe that we are all capable of doing anything we want in our lives as long as we put our minds to it and chase after our aspirations without a fear of failure. The only failure will be the decision not to listen to your heart. I hope you will follow me over the next year as I embark on an adventure of a lifetime which will take me through many countries within different continents on my way to fulfilling my personal goals.
Thanks for dropping by and checking out what I have to say. I hope I can provide you with some inspiration to follow your own personal dreams just like I did with the many travel blogs that have influenced and encouraged me over the last few years. Feel free to drop me an email at any time!

Hasta Pronto!

The project.

In January 2013, I quit my engineering day job of 6 years and booked a one-way ticket to Lima in Peru. The decision was completely spontaneous. From an early age I had always wanted to travel the world, armed with just a backpack & a sense of humour but due to other commitments, mainly work, fear, and poor excuses, I hadn't got around to doing so. I was sitting within a comfort zone, bored and unfulfilled, working a typical 9-5 whilst lethargically maintaining a completely conventional lifestyle. I needed to break free from the shackles…..